小濱明人 (オバマ アキヒト) 尺八演奏家


 04年、全編即興によるソロアルバム『風刻』を発表。05年、『歩き遍路 四国八十八ヶ所 奉納演奏Tour』を敢行。自作曲を集めた2ndアルバム『波と椿と』を発表する。07年、hajimeinoue(electro)との共作、CD『visions.』を発表する。08年、ジャパンフェスティバル(ワシントン)・ワールド尺八フェスティバル(シドニー)に招待参加。後藤幸浩(薩摩琵琶)との共作、CD『ミチノネ』を発表。12年、アジアン・カルチュラル・カウンシルの助成によりNYへ留学。帰国後、自らのグループによるCD『水~SUI~』を発表する。15年、山下洋輔&LOTUS POSITIONとして中欧ツアーを行う。16年、CD『LOTUS POSITION with 山下洋輔』を発表。国際尺八フェスティバル(プラハ)に招待参加。18年より「小濱明人 尺八リサイタル」(文化庁芸術祭参加公演)を連続開催。ワールド尺八フェスティバル(ロンドン)に招待参加。19年、ラ・フォル・ジュルネ(フランス)に招待参加。20年、本曲三部作CD『寂静光韻』が完成。21 年、10枚目のアルバム『尺八リサイタル 2020』を発表。23年、邦楽ジャーナル誌で「尺八の聖地」を連載開始。書籍「伝統芸能の教科書」(共著) を刊行。「尺八協奏曲/アンサンブル版」(藤倉大)をアンサンブル・ノマドと世界初演。

 また「LOTUS POSITION」「The Shakuhachi 5」 伊藤多喜雄「TAKiO BAND」等数々のグループに参加している。海外公演も多く、計37カ国で行っている。石の会、智竹会、虚無僧研究会、(一社)日本尺八演奏家ネットワーク会員。学習院大学非常勤講師。

 [Website] https://akihitoobama.com/

Akihito Obama [Shakuhachi Player]

 Born in Kagawa Prefecture in 1975, Obama studied various styles of shakuhachi under leading musicians such as Toshimitsu Ishikawa (traditional shakuhachi) and Satoshi Yoneya (minyo [folk music] shakuhachi). After graduating from the NHK Hogaku [traditional Japanese music] Gino-sha Ikusei-kai, the premier one year course for hogaku musicians aspiring to be professional performers, Obama won the Second Annual Shakuhachi Newcomer Competition (2000).

 In recent years, Obama draws on his musical experiences and incorporates these influences into his own music. In 2004, Obama recorded his first solo shakuhachi album Fukoku [Wind Carvings] featuring improvised works. During the following year, he undertook a walking pilgrimage concert tour to the eighty-eight temples of Shikoku Island and revealed his second album Nami to Tsubaki to [Waves and Camellias and] consisting of his original compositions. In 2006, Obama was invited to the Swedish International Festival of Wind Music holding solo concerts and appearing with local musicians. This was followed by a month long tour of Europe. In 2007, Obama released visions. collaborating with electronic music artist hajimeinoue. In 2008, Obama was invited to the Japan Festival at The Kennedy Center (Washington, DC) and the Sydney World Shakuhachi Festival. He released Michinone [Street Music, New Sounds] working with satsuma-biwa [Satsuma plucked lute] player Yukihiro Goto. In 2012, Obama lived in New York for six months as a fellow of Asian Cultural Council (ACC) and released SUI [Water] with his band. In 2016, Obama was invited to the International Shakuhachi Festival Prague.He released LOTUS POSITION with Yosuke Yamashita. In 2018, Obama was invited to the World Shakuhachi Festival London. He released the honkyoku album The Light in the Silence.

 Currently, Obama performs as a solo musician and participates in various ensembles including “TAKiOBAND” led by Takio Ito, a minyo singer. He often appears in concerts overseas and has performed in over 36 countries.

 Obama has developed and refined his technique by performing in venues from small clubs to large concert halls with artists playing hogaku instruments and Western instruments. This has allowed him to penetrate traditional barriers and discover his own distinct sound.
